How to write Meta Title & Descriptions: SEO for Beginners Tutorial in Hindi | Upendra Rana

In this video, I’m going to share with you how to write the meta title and meta descriptions of your web pages with SEO in mind, so that way you can rank higher in the search engines, or at least optimize your website better.

You’ll learn to write your titles and descriptions correctly, so that way when people are reading it, they’re more likely to click on it. The other thing is when search engines are scanning it, they’re more likely to rank you higher for those search terms.

#metadescriptions #metatitle #seoforbeginners #searchengineoptimization #metatitletutorial #metadescriptiontraining #metadata


  1. Upendra Rana Official says:

    How to find right Keywords with live Video?

  2. Vinay Bhardwaj says:

    Really enlightening video sir 🙏😊

  3. vikrant teotia says:

    informative video

  4. waqas aziz says:

    Good hy sir 👍

  5. Benu Juyal says:

    Nice Video got lot of information from this 🙂

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