A SEO hack to help you rank your YouTube videos fast.
Download the free ebook I mentioned in my video above.
Search engine optimization, SEO, is vital in order to get your videos ranked as high as possible. In this video I briefly cover four SEO tips briefly and then spend the bulk of the video covering one technique you may not be aware of. Very few people use it.
Getting top rankings for your videos is not a matter of one secret technique. Top video rankings depend on a number of factors. But the more of these factors you employ, the better off you will rank.
One of the big things YouTube looks at is the view time (not the percentage), but the actual time visitors stay on your videos. In the free ebook I offered you in my video (link is above) I give you my best ten tips for keeping viewers engaged on your videos, thus increasing your view times. The ebook also covers a dozen vital SEO tips you can employ on your videos to help them rank better.
So thanks for watching my video. If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate, even for a moment, to ask below. I always answer questions within 24 hours – often much less.
Keep in touch and my sincerest wishes for tremendous success in all you do here on YouTube and online in general. Hope you got some good YouTube SEO tips here. –Mike McMillan