Tags, #TAGS, YouTube Tag video, about, tag’s and keywords, tagging, tags tutorial the ultimate tags tut Tags #TAGS YouTube Tag video about tag’s and keywords and tagging tagged video taggs NEW tutorial youtube help my videos are like roberto blake, @robertoblake, create awesome, r. blake, robertoblake thats why my name is roberto blakes brother from another mother robertoblakesbrotherfromanothermother, preston hudman, prestonhudman, @presticlaus, @silverhatsmm, silverhatseo, silver hat seo, tim schmoyer, tim schmoyer, @timschmoyer, @videocreators, Video creators, videocreators, #videocreators, #silverhatseo #robetrtoblakesbrotherfromanothermother, #prestonhudman, #pewdiepie, @pewdiepie, Pew die pie, Felix, Comedy, those are all channel that related to my channel and all my videos are about those youtubers better leave me alone you pesky robot algorithms because i’m family safe because isfamilysafe:”true” meta name=”keywords” the following information is valuable to my viewsers because its all about the people that they enjoy watching and making videos about so it helps them to know this information. This can be copy pasted by anyone who wants to use on page seo like I do. this is ok to do and is not breaking any rules and this is for educational purposes: How to Properly Tag your YouTube Videos
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[email protected]
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