How to rank YouTube thumbnail using SEO & metadata, rank high in search, MASTERCLASS TUTORIAL VIDEO

How to rank your YouTube thumbnail using SEO & metadata, rank high in search, MASTERCLASS TUTORIAL VIDEO all of these videos of mine are having to do with the information provided below. the following info is for other youtubers that are related to my videos and my channel and so my viewers would be very interested in knowing the information written below: prestonhudman, preston hudman, #prestonhudman, robertoblake, roberto blake, #robertoblake, @robertoblake, pewdiepie, @pewdiepie, felix, pew news, pewds, tim schmoyer, timschmoyer, video creators, videocreators, #videocreators, @videocreators, #pewdiepie, drama alert, keemstar, daniel keem, dramaalert, #dramaalertdm, #dramaalert, derral eves, derraleves, @derraleves, agentofdoubt, #agentofdoubt, google, youtube, seo, how to, tutorial, bo2, call of duty, black ops 2, faze carl, faze besty bo2 player ever best bo2 player overall


  1. Zureviews Distribution says:

    Thanks i always knew you can go into the back end of the file. Just like with the video before you upload it. My thing is this. Most marketers are still only targeting the USA when 75% of searches are done in other languages. Is soooo much easier to rank actual YouTube videos if you start translating your title and descriptions. There are even software that does this for you-

    Since Google made it for the image search takes you directly to the website that works great if you can get your thumbnail ranked.
    Thanks again #PrestonHud

    • Preston Hud says:

      i tried to get a custom url but they wont give it to me fior unknown reasons. thats why my channel name is not Preston Hudman like it usually is. i will change it back soon however i thought i”d tell you in case you drop any more hashtags or share me. i know waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay (yes this accurately describes how much)
      …more secret information i could teach a willing student who is bright and not brainwashed entirely by google. I stopped uploading my REAL yt videos because of the negative impact they were having on the world due to yt using them to there advantage against all of us.

  2. Cate says:


  3. Preston Hud says:


  4. Mizah Adam says:

    Hİ GUYS BRO MY NAME İS FUCKİNG 😀 nice videos bro <33

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