Are your customers finding you? Use Local SEO to be found

Everyday people around Australia depend on search engines such as Google and Bing to find information related to local businesses in their area. People find local businesses by using keywords related to the product or service which they are searching for along with directory listings and other references to your website.

If for example Mary on the Gold Coast is looking for a cafe to relax at and enjoy a cup of coffee, she would search for “Gold Coast café” in Google.

And, if Tim lives in Surfers Paradise and is searching for a discount dinner option for a lazy Friday evening, he may use Google to search for the keyword “taco Surfers Paradise”.

The use of specific keywords when searching for a local business is one of the most important things which you need to keep in mind when writing content for your small business.

When it comes to local SEO, Juicy Online Media have many years of experience helping local business owners to be found, when people search for keywords related to your local area, business, or brand.
You should think of keywords in a similar way as you think of street names when looking at a road map.

A map without any street names is confusing to navigate in exactly the same way as a local business not using any relevant keywords to describe their business.

The more relevant and specific that’s your keywords are, the more chance you stand that your potential customers will be able to find your location, listing and address.

The truth is that these days most people use a search engine to find local business information more so then checking the Yellow Pages. If your business is hard to find in the search engines, then your potential customers will go to your nearest competitor.

Do you need help with your business listings or having customers find your place of business? Give us a call or head to our website

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